Countries we have visited

We are still on the "desire to travel" bandwagon, discussing places we still want to visit and places we have been. Beside South Africa, here is a list of countries we have visited during the past 10 years or so.

England, France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belguim, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Lesotho, Mozambique, Madagascar, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

There are some countries we did not enjoy whilst we had a heck of a time in others. Countries on our least favorite list include; Mozambique, Madagascar and Singapore. The problem with Mozambique and Madagascar is that there is almost no infrastructure. To fully enjoy these places you need to take EVERYTHING that is required. Outside the major cities, there are very little conveniences, there is severe poverty everywhere, supplies are almost non existent, diseases like malaria are rampant, etc. Mozambique in particular is one place we did not at all enjoy! I picked up malaria and was very sick for 3 weeks after returning home. Visiting the doctor every day for 3 weeks getting injections and having blood samples taken was also not convenient nor pleasant. As a tourist, you are seen as a cash cow with anybody and everybody demanding something.

Even on the remotest beaches, there are "officials" lurking in the bushes waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting tourist demanding permit fees. Lots of our gear got stolen and it was so bad that one of us had to constantly guard our belongings. The vehicles on the road are in terrible shape and is a massive danger to all. The local cops don't do anything about these mobile death traps - yet fine you heavily if you (foreigner) drive a single kilometer over the allowed speed limit! Yes, your read correctly, 1 kilometer over the speed limit will result in a heavy fine which must be paid on the spot! If you cannot pay on the spot, be prepared for jail time! One cannot help but get the feeling that tourists are used and abused, milked for all they are worth - don't believe all the wondrous stories about Mozambique. Having said that, Ponta do Ouro virtually on the border with South Africa are quite popular with South African tourists - the infra structure is also much better.

Our problem with Madagascar was simply that the place was so primitive with almost nothing available. However, this is one place we will go back to one day on our yacht with all the required equipment, food and supplies. Singapore was simply too ordinary with tons of rules for everything and there was very little we liked about the place.

Our most favorite places are Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia - in fact, we like Thailand so much that we have been there 10 times already. This is one country we would love to call home. This entire region is very different from life here in South Africa and we hope to spend a lot of time there on Revelations.

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